Hey there, welcome back to the Working Actor life with Gabrielle Byndloss. We had an amazing conversation where we delved into various topics related to the acting industry. Gabrielle opened up about staying focused and prioritizing what’s important in our careers while finding excitement in the process. The ebb and flow of the actor life is REAL. The intense swing between highs and lows is REAL. And you know what else? It’s hard as heck to get through alone. So Gabrielle and I walk you through our recent commercial callbacks, why commercials are so important to us, and how we dealt with not booking what we thought were for-sure wins. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and looking for camaraderie in the rollercoaster that is will-I-book-this-or-not, this episode is a must-listen. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and join me and Gabrielle as we get real about our careers.