So you booked something, AMAZING!
And you got to film it?! Hell yes.
Omg — AND IT AIRED?! *confetti for you*
And now you’re ready to use your footage to up your game and show off your skills! But wait… how do you get your footage? Most apps have disallowed screen recording, plus the quality sucks. Production (unless it’s an indie project and you’re friends with them) is not likely to answer an email, let alone share footage with you. So…what tf do you do?!
Enter Professional Footage-Pullers.
This is an area of the industry that doesn’t get a lot of chatter. Sure editors get a lot of love…but can they get your work to you on a Zip drive? (if yes, then they are also footage pullers, huzzah!)
To make it short and sweet: you have to wait till your project airs to have someone pull the footage. If you don’t make it to air (and it’s a big platform/show/film/commercial/etc) then the likelihood of you getting that footage is pretty small. I know waiting sucks and then seeing that you’ve been cut out blows, but please know it is super freaking normal. And I know it hardly helps but, having costar footage is not the thing standing between you and your next win. Please trust me on that.
For my most recent airing project, I contacted three different folks to compare work and prices. And you guys sent me even more options. Here is the full list for you:
Others you guys mentioned (that I haven’t researched just yet!):
Happy hunting, my friends!
Thanks for this list, Sam. Very helpful
Sam, thank you for what you do! This is so helpful and it’s weirdly not easy information to find.