In this comprehensive guide, I’m using my 13 years in the acting industry to provide you with a step-by-step process to fostering a long-term, sustainable acting career in 2024. The emphasis is not just on how to break into the industry, but how to stay in it. I’m dispeling the myth that talent always equates to success because most of the time, it doesn’t. This industry doesn’t owe us anything. So how can we continue to keep going even if we face rejection after rejection? We develop our craft. We understand ourselves in the marketplace. We build our professional resources, including a headshot, reel, resume, getting ready for the financial investment required, and finding an acting community for support and guidance. Subscribe to learn more and stay tuned for videos on agents, managers, and even moving to a brand new market. But for now, take it slow, and set yourself up for a lifelong pursuit of this art. You got this.