-Michael Caine

 “First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”

Listen, sick days suck no matter the job. What makes them harder as actors is that our voice and physical appearance is what sells us in auditions a lot of the time. And we all know those are hit the hardest after a cold, flu, stomach bug, or my flavor of the week: food poisoning.  […]

Tips on Sick Days for Actors

January 12, 2018

Ok, Oprah. And then some other stuff.  Just kidding…kinda.  I know this may be old news to some of you by now, but if you missed the Golden Globes you need to know this stuff. And don’t tell me “I don’t care about those stupid awards shows” because that’s second place to saying “I don’t watch […]

A Review of The Golden Globes: aka your new homework.

January 7, 2018

I LOVE road trips. I think they’re so much and invigorating.   Much like other travel, they can also be health-draining, exhausting, and a surprise budget burner. Caleb and I went on a long roadtrip for Christmas and if you followed on IG, you got a lot of these tips already. But I put them […]

January 2, 2018

If you didn’t get an Amazon gift card for Christmas…well honestly I am beyond shocked. I think it’s a universal gift really. I got about 5 (maybe because it was all I asked for).  Amazon is the new cash.  And with all the goals and awesome things planned for 2018, I suggest you spend wisely […]

January 2, 2018

Ahhh the holidays.  The perfect time to sit back, relax with friends and family, and let you brain go fucking haywire contemplating whether it was a good year career-wise. FUN. We are all guilty of this. Christmas time is usually spent with family who doesn’t really get what you do (you may need this to […]

December 21, 2017

Usually when you open a gift guide you get “Gifts under $20!” or that kind of thing. We’re going to do it a little differently here. Todays Agent Gift Guide is going to be set via how close you are to your reps AND how big the office is. It makes such a big difference! […]

December 10, 2017