-Michael Caine

 “First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”

If you missed this article, I recently underwent a full 30-day commitment to self-tape a scene every single day. No batching. No cheating. Blah blah blah. I also posted about it every day from my Instagram here.  A few people even got so pumped they asked to participate with me…I can safely say I love […]

30 Day Self-Tape Challenge: How To’s, Advice, and What I’ll Do Next Time

August 31, 2018

 I did some improv work in college, random classes, that kinda thing. When I got my first agent in LA they highly recommended having a well know school on my resume. So after a hard vetting process and a ton of research, I picked iOWest (that’s a huge lie, I just liked that they had […]

UCB Improv: Is it for you?

August 17, 2018

I can’t believe I haven’t written about this yet. Well…it was pretty fucking awful so maybe I blocked it out and put it off. But a few years ago, in PC terms, I was taken off the second and third days of a shoot…but actually I was asked to not come back because I was […]

July 26, 2018

Nope not a diet challenge! Not a fitness challenge! An acting challenge. I don’t know about you, but I love love love the creative side of getting an audition. Finding a voice, researching the show, all the fun stuff! But I will be really honest with you that once I get in the room, I […]

July 14, 2018

It feels like yesterday I uttered the words, “I’m so desperate for work, I’d take almost anything!” In fact there is a great chance I did say that yesterday. Whatevs, we’re all a little thirsty in the summer, ya dig? Anyway. For the first time ever, I booked a real role and turned it down. […]

July 2, 2018

As I am working with a coach currently, he is giving me occasional “homework” assignments. I love this for a lot of reasons, a main one being that often times our acting careers can feel so out of our hands. So having small tangible tasks to accomplish just makes things that much easier and puts […]

June 21, 2018