-Michael Caine
Streak mentality is needing to do something consistently in a long winding series so as to check a box or score a point. But this career is basically impossible to “streak”!
I am setting a boundary for myself. That is one of the many things I learned this year that I hope to not forget. In the insanity roller coaster that was 2020, I learned more about myself than maybe any other year in my life. I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way.
Here is a roundup of some of the pilot season favorites of the past few years, and some extra tips too!
I thought it would be worth both our times to update you on what I did and maybe in some way it will help you check in on your own ducks/pieces/general shit BEFORE the New Year instead of waiting for the champagne hangover to dull.
I hate when bloggers make these massive lists of items you really totally like for reals have to have. Um hello, who can afford all this stuff?!? So let’s get actor-budget friendly and talk about the 6 free things I love right now. This Class from (my career coach!) Brian Patacca Let me start by […]
Dear Fox News, I am a working actor in LA. I am also a babysitter, trainer, food prep chef, and bartender. What I am NOT is an actor in the 1%. I feel the need to explain this to you based on the “article” (aka repost from Daily Mail) you opted to publish on your […]