-Michael Caine

 “First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”

I made this video for my Patreon members to test out on YouTube in February and am finally releasing it into the world! I am a working actor in LA and my days are way less glam than I think you would guess. So join me on a Saturday at home in LA as I […]

Day in the Life of a Working Actor

July 25, 2022

Self-tapes can be pretty intimidating in general. What backdrop do you use? What microphone should you get? Do I need a camera? There’s so much that goes into a self-tape, not to mention the acting work that we have to do. My setup has evolved over the past few years and I’ve gone from a […]

Painting a Self Tape Wall for Auditions

July 25, 2022

Hi, my name is Sam and I am a serial “do-er of things”. ⁠Aka- Addicted to accomplishment. ⁠[Hi Sam.] 🙋🏻‍♀️⁠ What do I mean by this? I check off tasks daily, I get things done for fulfillment, and I am super reliable on a timeline. HOWEVER. ⁠This also means I am very bad at *not* […]

July 10, 2022

So you booked something, AMAZING! And you got to film it?! Hell yes. Omg — AND IT AIRED?! *confetti for you* And now you’re ready to use your footage to up your game and show off your skills! But wait… how do you get your footage? Most apps have disallowed screen recording, plus the quality […]

June 7, 2022

A few months ago I was boarding a plane from LAX to Salt Lake City (on Southwest Airlines cause you know I am not in that tax bracket yet). A really sweet girl, maybe 14, and her mom were boarding alongside me. They had an armful of luggage and one of the many things they […]

May 27, 2022

Remember when I posted about my schedule and got shamed for it heavily (by non-actors)?  I acted cool about it but I had to work REALLY hard to overcome people judging the use of my time. Of course, these trolls have no idea what is often required of actors on a 4-hour notice. How would […]

May 2, 2022