-Michael Caine

 “First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”

Monica is an agent at Global Artist agency and she knows her stuff. She sat down with Sam and gave us real insight from her side of the table: actors “homework”, what she asks actors in her representation meeting, what stands out and what falls flat, and the real difference between a “fine” self tape […]

1.4- Monica Barkett {Part 1 & 2}: An Agent’s View

October 3, 2017

I cannot count the number of times agents, mangers, casting directors, coaches, and even fellow actors have said, You’re not watching enough TV! OK! I get it! We know we can’t watch it all, but where do we start? How do we watch everything? How many shows are even on tv these days with streaming […]

A Fall 2017 TV List

October 2, 2017

On today’s podcast, Sam chats with Katrina Bowden about all things industry: body, fitness, relationships, staying sane….you know, the usual career things right? Here is Katrina’s Fit Kat Site: fitkatbykatrinabowden.com/

October 2, 2017

Rise and shine kiddos! In this week’s podcast episode, guest Sean Crampton shared his morning routine. If I know anything, it’s how freaking hard it is as an actor to have any thing close to a normal schedule.  Between multiple side jobs, actor work, and life….you kinda feel super busy and unproductive at the same time.  […]

September 26, 2017

Radio Silence…our nemisis.  But it happens to everyone all the time.  If you heard this past week’s podcast, you noticed how much Sara and I talked about having a project (and life) outside of acting. And no, workout out really hard and working on your career isn’t what I am talking about in this particular post, […]

September 22, 2017

Actually though, how is it almost October?! My brain refuses to believe it is “regular people Fall” out there somewhere.  It has been a great couple of weeks for 1 Broke Actress and pretty awesome for yours truly. Let’s make it even better with some lil treats and fun (safe) times.  *You should also know […]

September 20, 2017