-Michael Caine

 “First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”

advice, stories, tips & tricks, and a hell of a lot of opinions: welcome to the OBA blog

If you have been keeping up with the second season of the podcast, you’ll notice a subtle theme that seems to be arising…getting out of that me-focused space. All out guests have said it in some way or another, the constant focus on ourselves that is asked of us in the industry is exhausting and […]

Get out of your head

May 7, 2018

This is really hard for me to admit. But it took me until about a year ago to actually be happy for other actors when they booked jobs. I would say I was happy for them. I would act excited and supportive. But I was none of those things. I would analyze why they’re working […]

Letting Go of the Competition Mindset

April 30, 2018

You got put on hold!  HELL YEA BABY!  And now…what the actual fuck do you do?  This is a really good question and one that I am still figuring out. I spent 2017 referring to myself as the “Queen of Almost” because I was put on hold for a shit ton of stuff! It was […]

April 19, 2018

I have written several posts on side jobs in the past and it has been one of the most popular topics of discussion in the Bunch of Broke Actors FB group as well as on other platforms.  {See: History of Day Jobs Part 1, Part 2, oh and this too} I LOVE this topic, so […]

April 13, 2018

A few weeks ago, a fellow actress reached out to me and asked if I could give her some advice. As I started to write her a response email, I realized it wasn’t as clear as I expected…and that a lot more of you have wondered this too. Should you go to every audition?  The […]

March 29, 2018

Taking you on an inside peak into my kitchen, my makeup bag, my TV watch-list, and beyond…I bring you the revamped (formerly “Stuff I’m Obsessed With”), My Monthly Product Placement. (Here is last month’s in case you missed it!) Beauty If you know me (or if you follow my IG stories) you know what I look like […]

March 19, 2018

content overwhelm?
I understand.

I use this gently cause I know your inbox is sacred (either that or you have 5k unread messages). 
