-Michael Caine

 “First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”

advice, stories, tips & tricks, and a hell of a lot of opinions: welcome to the OBA blog

I’ve done the impossible. I convinced my mom and dad to be on the podcast. I know, we thought it would never happen and yet here we are! I am so proud to bring on Rich and Debbie Valentine, and interview them on what it was like to raise an actor and support me in […]

Mom & Dad: Supporting An Actor in the Family

June 13, 2024

I got a CALLBACK. After my last trip to Atlanta, I told my Los Angeles agent all about my goal to get out to the Atlanta market and do what I could to break in there and lay groundwork to work on productions that shoot there as a local hire. Then I had an audition, […]

Callback in Atlanta

June 6, 2024

Have you always wondered about making your podcast union? Or using your content to pay into your pension and health? Today, I’m bringing on two SAG staff members in charge of these contracts to talk ALL about the Influencer and Podcast Agreements. Sue-Anne Morrow and Shaine Griffin get into a comprehensive discussion about SAG AFTRA, […]

May 30, 2024

Waiting in line since 5am. Spending 8+ hour days for an audition you may never get. Having to find the best audition material to match the tone of the show you want. These are the realities of theatre actors, and I’m bringing on the one and only Maggie Bera to take us through the current […]

May 16, 2024

Let’s take a sneak peek into my everyday life as a working actor, where there’s a lot more to my day than just acting. Most of the time, we’re not on set. We’re not in class. We don’t have auditions. So what can we do in the inbetween? For me, it’s gardening with my mom […]

May 13, 2024

Gabrielle is now my roommate and you can be sure to let Caleb and Corey know. No, but really, we have spent a LOT of time together recently and we wanted to sit down together and really get into how living with each other has given us brand new perspectives on the industry. We have […]

May 2, 2024

content overwhelm?
I understand.

I use this gently cause I know your inbox is sacred (either that or you have 5k unread messages). 
