-Michael Caine
What happens when all your dreams come true? You book the job. You publish the book. You become rich and successful. Do you start to treat yourself better because of those accomplishments? Often, the answer is no. Bestselling author of “Radically Content” and “Main Character Energy” Jamie Varon is here to share her journey with […]
I was an alien. That’s right. I danced in front of Seth MacFarlene for a role I booked as an alien waitress in The Orville. Join me as I recount the unique and thrilling experience of booking and filming my co-star role as a four-armed alien waitress on the hit show, The Orville. This was […]
Gabrielle and I are BACK! We are discussing the current state of the acting industry, dealing with silence, managing expectations during uncertainty with the IATSE strike talks looming, and the evolving nature of actors and influencers. No matter how you feel about social media, we share our experiences on how it has helped us as […]
I’ve done the impossible. I convinced my mom and dad to be on the podcast. I know, we thought it would never happen and yet here we are! I am so proud to bring on Rich and Debbie Valentine, and interview them on what it was like to raise an actor and support me in […]
I got a CALLBACK. After my last trip to Atlanta, I told my Los Angeles agent all about my goal to get out to the Atlanta market and do what I could to break in there and lay groundwork to work on productions that shoot there as a local hire. Then I had an audition, […]
Have you always wondered about making your podcast union? Or using your content to pay into your pension and health? Today, I’m bringing on two SAG staff members in charge of these contracts to talk ALL about the Influencer and Podcast Agreements. Sue-Anne Morrow and Shaine Griffin get into a comprehensive discussion about SAG AFTRA, […]